miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Amy Winehouse en top-less

¡Hola! Esta mañana estaba navegando un poco por Internet, cuando de repente, veo que a la difunta Amy Winehouse la han hecho una especie de escultura en top-less, el autor de esto es Daniel Edwars.

El norteamericano Daniel Edwars ha retratado a Amy de una manera muy curiosa, no tiene ni pearcings ni tatuajes, la ha retratado de la manera más inocente posible, pero sin olvidar su moño y su delgadez.
 Aquí os dejo la foto.

Hello! This morning I was surfing in internet a little, when suddenly, I see an Amy Winehouse's sculpture in topless, the author of this is Daniel Edwards.

The American Daniel Edwards has portrayed Amy without pearcings or tattoos, he has portrayed her on the most innocent way possible, but without forgetting her bun and thin. 
Here you have the photo.


¿Os gusta la escultura? ¿Os gustaba Amy Winehouse? Do you like sculpture? Do you like Amy Winehouse?

4 comentarios:

BeSugarandSpice dijo...

Me acabo de enterar, no tenía ni idea!!Me encantan sus canciones!

teresweetstyle dijo...

yo tampoco sabia nada, pero era una gran persona y cantante!


La Chunga Tattoo dijo...

es algo curioso, pero no sé, jaja, un poco raro, no?

azu dijo...

Regardless as to how cruel the mass media was to her and portrayed her as, we have to remember her as a talented woman. We should remember her as she is in this sculpture: innocent. Instead of gawking over stupid celebrity gossip we should be worrying about current world events that effect every single person. We should stop judging others too.

I'm not sure if this is what Daniel Edwards was trying to say, but this is what I think of when I see this sculpture :)

Anyway, great post and I love your blog! I'm now following :)
